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Products with Benefits -- Cookies for Kids Cancer

In honor of September being Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, I am continuing to showcase organizations with products that support the fight against pediatric cancers.  So far we have looked at Love Your Melon, and Asics Accelerate Hope.
This week let me introduce you to


Nothing this week because I'm on my HONEYMOON!!!!!  My Instagram will be filled with pictures from the wedding last weekend and our travels this week, so make sure to use my social media buttons on the right to keep up with us!

I'll see you next Thursday for more Products With Benefits!  Leave me some good wishes in the comments below!

Products With Benefits -- Asics Accelerate Hope Gel Noosa Tri 9

In honor of September being Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, I am continuing to showcase organizations with products that support the fight against pediatric cancers.  So far we have looked at Love Your Melon.

Today I present to you

Products With Benefits -- Love Your Melon

September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, something near and dear to my heart as I work in a pediatric cancer clinic.  These kids are strong!  These kids are inspiring!  And these kids are EXPENSIVE!

This month I'll be showcasing a few organizations who not only have products I LOVE but also give back to community by supporting the fight against childhood cancer.

First off

Massive Mary Kay Savings! (Happy Birthday Emi!)

As ya'll may have seen on my social media accounts, my friend Emily is having big sale on Mary Kay all month in honor of her 30th birthday!  Today is her actual birthDAY so in honor of that: a special post on my Mary Kay recommendations!